Fingers trace them on a map,
the new limits of my existence –
one kilometer from home
No more bike rides to my favorite garden
to watch daffodils give way to tulips
No more strolling cobbled streets
bustling beneath half-timber houses
No way to deliver a gift to my friend
for her birthday tomorrow
(In these days of contagion,
gates are locked, streets still,
and hugs deferred)
Like a shut-in falcon
stripped of skies,
I hear the call of Beyond
But is this new
a cage
or an invitation?
For right here,
within the compass-drawn
circle of possibility, lie
cherry trees in bloom,
a shining canal with sparrows
gossiping along its banks,
neighbors whose nightly applause
echoes from windows thrown
wide upon the square
Here is food to nourish bodies and
books whispering of
souls gone before
A telephone link to loved ones
settling into their own new limits,
down the street or an ocean away
And here is a heart whose
contours hold mystery –
paths yet to wander,
music to be made and
poems still to be written…
Mary Oliver was right:
“Going to Walden is not so easy a thing
As a green visit. It is the slow and difficult
Trick of living, and finding it where you are.”
Rennes, France
March 28, 2020
Day 12 of Coronavirus confinement
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