Monday, February 24, 2020

The Art of Skipping Stones

Where the glassy surface reflects the sky,
they hear the call
Echoing through the ages
and amplified by chiseled cliffs,
it catches their hearts, and,
compelled by some force of joy stronger than them,
they stoop to gather the flattest stones

Unknowingly, they join in a dance
passed from one generation to the next the world over,
choreographed with precision by the
very first father who happened upon a
serene stream with son by his side

Poised parallel to the earth,
stone cradled snugly between thumb and forefinger,
his arm winds back and, with a burst,
he lets it fly –

One – two – three – four –
it ricochets across the watery mirror
like the feet of a chickadee
tripping across a field fresh with snow

A sheen of admiration in their eyes,
his sons add their own ripples to the stream,
emulating and transposing their father’s gestures
to make his dance their own,
sunning themselves in the rays of approval
flowing from his lips and grin

In the glistening light, they dance on,
each boy striving to surpass himself and his brothers
in his climb toward manhood

Their father knows well this ladder’s rungs
and, while each stone he flings points them toward the top,
his love shows them they are already enough

Safe to dare and free to fail,
young boys become men on the riverbank,
hearts rebounding
as they stand beloved,
apprentices in the art of skipping stones

Rennes, France
February 23, 2020
(inspired by a scene on the banks of the Ardèche in Labeaume on February 20)


  1. Wahou ! C'est super bien observé Hallé, et surtout très bien écrit !!! Même si j'avoue ne pas connaitre tout le vocabulaire recherché que tu as employé pour ce poème !!!! Merci pour ta sensibilité pour retranscrire ce que tu vois, pour les émotions, les souvenirs que tu rappelles à tes lecteurs, je suis ému! BRAVO ! :-) :-) Francis

    1. Merci beaucoup d’avoir pris le temps de le lire et pour ton commentaire, Francis !
