Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Yellow Day ?

She told me today’s a yellow day.
I wanted to believe her -

that under the gray veil

pressing down the corners

of the sky and my lips,

dying leaves hold

sunshine on their backs

They might be soggy

from a long rain,

nostalgic for the crisp

crunch of before

or for days when

a golden orb warmed

their tender leaflets,

newborn fresh

Green was coursing

through their veins 

as they fluttered carefree

in the balmy breezes,

unaware the arc of their 

existence was bending 


But now the bite of

autumn stopped it fast,

emerald giving way to gold

as they felt their fragility -

theirs calling out to mine

amidst raindrops streaking 

the windowpanes

She carried three of them

in her outstretched hand,

fingers exploring textures

as heartstrings were gently

tuned toward light -

hers and mine

Yes, a yellow day - 

when tender hearts 

join leaves aflame

to play a symphony of hope

October 13, 2020

photos by Oskars Sylwan, Rodion Kutsaev, Max Böhme & Roman Kraft on Unsplash

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