In the stretching expanse of your soul’s sky
what clouds do you carry today?
Are they black and thick, no light in sight
or perhaps a carpet of gray?
Do they sail their ships on cerulean seas,
rocked by the lapping waves,
or do crayon-gripping fingers scrawl their shapes
beneath the corner sun’s gaze?
As you lie on your back in daydream’s field,
do bears and bunnies slide by,
or do piles of carefree cotton morph
into dragons before your eyes?
When cumulonimbus billows rise,
their bellies thunder-fraught,
do we dare to sit in the gathering storm
and let our hearts be caught?
No matter my form I long to be
a cloud who yields to Light,
not one who masks his piercing rays
but who opens unto sight.
Perhaps at last his jubilant beams
will bathe the waiting earth,
streaming down from unseen realms
exchanging gloom for mirth.
Rennes, France
May 1, 2020
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